03 February 2022

Efficient Backup- How to Safeguard Google Photos without Takeout

Safeguarding Precious Memories - How to Back Up Google Photos without Using Takeout

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In this digital era, our photos hold precious memories that we cherish and want to protect. We rely on Google Photos to store our vast collection, but have you ever considered the security of your precious memories? While Google Takeout promises a backup solution, it has its downsides. The process can be cumbersome, with large zip files, messy folders, and the loss of valuable metadata. In this blog post, we will explore an efficient alternative method to back up your Google Photos without using Takeout.

Creating Quarterly Albums for Efficient Backup

In this fast-paced digital age, our lives are intertwined with technology, and our precious memories are often captured in digital form. Google Photos has become a popular choice for storing and organizing our vast collection of photos, providing us with easy access to our memories anytime, anywhere. However, the importance of backing up these cherished moments cannot be emphasized enough. We must consider the potential risks and challenges that come with relying solely on Google’s server redundancy. What if there is a failure or breach? What if Google ever shuts down? These concerns highlight the need for a comprehensive and efficient backup solution that not only safeguards our memories but also gives us control over their storage and security.

Taking Control of Your Photo Backups

As I scroll through my Google Photos, I can’t help but feel a sense of nostalgia and appreciation for the memories captured in those pixels. Our photos are more than just digital files; they are windows into our past, holding sentimental value that is truly priceless. That’s why securing these photos as valuable, irreplaceable assets should be a top priority. While Google’s server redundancy provides some level of reassurance, relying solely on it can pose potential risks. Imagine if there’s a failure or breach, and all those precious memories are lost in an instant. Or worse, what if Google ever shuts down? The thought alone sends shivers down my spine. That’s why taking control of our photo backups is crucial.

Exploring Alternative Backup Methods

Google Takeout is a widely used tool for backing up data, including Google Photos. It offers users the ability to export their data from various Google services, providing a sense of control and peace of mind. However, while Google Takeout may seem like a convenient option, it does come with its downsides. Personally, I have used Google Takeout in the past to back up my photos, and I must admit, it has its challenges.

One of the main issues I encountered was the creation of large zip files that can be cumbersome to handle and transfer. Not to mention, the folders created during the process can become quite messy, making it difficult to locate specific photos later on. Additionally, I found that important metadata associated with the photos was often lost during the download process. This loss of metadata can be frustrating, especially if you rely on it for organizing and categorizing your photos. Lastly, downloading large quantities of photos through Google Takeout can be quite time-consuming, which may not be ideal for those who have limited time available.

Creating Quarterly Albums for Streamlined Backup

In the quest for a more efficient and user-friendly alternative to Google Takeout, let’s explore the concept of creating albums for each quarter of the year. This method not only offers a systematic organization of your photos but also simplifies the backup process. By categorizing your photos into albums based on time periods, you gain the advantage of easily searching for specific moments or events. Whether it’s a summer vacation or a holiday gathering, finding the photos you’re looking for becomes a breeze.

But the benefits don’t stop there. When it comes to backing up your photos using this method, you can download an entire album at once without creating a jumbled mess of files and folders. This streamlined approach ensures that your memories are preserved and easily accessible in an organized manner.

However, it’s important to note that there is a limit on the number of photos you can download from an album at a time, which is set at 500. This means that if you have an album with more than 500 photos, you will need to download it in multiple batches. Despite this limitation, the efficiency and ease of downloading albums as opposed to dealing with large zip files make this alternative method a compelling option for safeguarding your precious memories.

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Quarterly Albums and Backing Up Photos

To begin, start by creating a new album for each quarter of the year. This will help you organize your photos chronologically and make it easier to locate specific moments or events. Once the albums are created, it’s time to populate them with your precious memories. You can do this by manually adding every relevant photo to the corresponding album. To manage the process more efficiently, consider using a spreadsheet to keep track of which photos are included in each album. This will ensure that no photo is left behind.

After you have created and populated the albums, it’s time to download them for backup purposes. When you download an album, all the photos within it will be packaged into a zip file. It’s important to note that during the download process, the file date of the photos might change, but fear not, the original date of the photos will still be preserved within the metadata. With this comprehensive guide, you can confidently create albums and back up your Google Photos using an efficient and organized approach.

Safeguarding Your Digital Memories

Once you have downloaded your albums using the alternative method we explored, it’s important to move them to an external drive for safekeeping. This ensures an extra layer of protection in case of any unforeseen events or hardware failures. Simply connect your external drive to your computer and transfer the downloaded albums to the designated location on the drive. Make sure to organize them in a way that is easily accessible and understandable for future reference.

To maintain the security and integrity of your backup, it is recommended to update it every quarter with new photos. As you capture new memories throughout the year, create a new album for each quarter and add the relevant photos accordingly. This will ensure that your backup remains up-to-date and comprehensive, preserving all your precious moments.

When it comes to storing your external drive, it’s essential to strike a balance between accessibility and security. Keep it in a safe location where it is protected from physical damage, such as theft or accidents. Consider storing it in a fireproof and waterproof container or a secure location like a safe deposit box. Additionally, it’s a good practice to keep a duplicate copy of your backup in a separate physical location, providing an extra layer of security against potential loss or damage.

By following these steps and maintaining a regular backup routine, you can rest assured that your digital memories are safeguarded and protected for years to come. Take control of your data and cherish your precious memories with peace of mind.


Safeguarding your digital assets and protecting your precious memories is of utmost importance. We have explored the shortcomings of relying solely on Google Takeout for backing up your Google Photos and have introduced an efficient alternative method of creating quarterly albums. By organizing your photos in albums, you not only gain easy access to specific moments but also streamline the backup process without the hassle of dealing with large zip files and messy folders. The step-by-step guide provided offers a comprehensive approach to creating and downloading albums, ensuring the preservation of your memories in an organized manner. Additionally, we discussed the significance of moving your downloaded albums to an external drive for safekeeping and the importance of regularly updating your backup with new photos.

In conclusion, safeguarding your digital assets and protecting your precious memories is crucial. By implementing the alternative backup method of creating quarterly albums and following the steps outlined in this post, you can ensure the security and longevity of your digital possessions. Don’t wait any longer – start safeguarding your memories today!