25 July 2023

Effective Scheduling and Offsite Google Data Backup

Effective Strategies for Scheduling and Offsite Data Protection with Google Takeout

In the modern digital world, we often run into numerous glitches and issues that can make everyday tasks cumbersome. One such problem frequently faced by users is the “Google Takeout Not Working” error. This common issue but there are ways to address it. This comprehensive guide will dive deep into the reasons behind this error and provide you with four effective solutions to overcome it.

User experiences often indicate that Google Takeout fails while trying to archive data or download archived links. The process may also fail when users attempt to download their images from Google Photos, citing network errors or authorization requirements as roadblocks. Users with stable internet connections also report failures while trying to download their large Google Takeout files, further intensifying the problem even if they have a backup google takeout in place.

The root cause of these issues lies in some inherent limitations within Google Takeout itself. There can be several reasons why Google Takeout might be malfunctioning:

  1. Network Errors: An unstable internet connection could halt your transfer process irreversibly, forcing you to start all over again.
  2. Archive Limits: There’s a daily limit on the number of attempts you can make to archive data files using Google Takeout.
  3. Limited Retries: The system allows only a certain number of download attempts before the link expires.
  4. Large Data Volumes: Trying to export huge volumes of emails could result in a failure.
  5. Permission Restrictions: ‘Shared’ folders containing others’ files cannot be exported using this tool.

Now that we understand why these issues occur, let’s examine possible solutions:

  1. Ensure File Size Compliance: Check your file size against what’s allowed by Google Drive (up to 2GB and 500 files per folder). If your file exceeds these limits, resize or split it accordingly.
  2. Re-login to Your Account: Log out and then log back into your account via Google takeout app if you encounter an error midway – oftentimes, it’s just a glitch related with server connectivity or session timeouts.
  3. Consolidate Files into One Folder: Transferring an entire folder is less prone to errors than transferring individual files; hence, moving all necessary data under one roof is advisable.
  4. Audit Your Network Connection: Always verify your internet connection before initiating the process.

While these tips should help you get past the “Google Takeout Not Working” issue most times and schedule google backups smoothly, there are better alternatives available like MultCloud for transferring larger volumes of pictures and files from Google Drive/Photos directly onto other cloud platforms like Dropbox or OneDrive.

MultCloud has several advantages over Google Takeout:

  • It supports swift transfer of data from multiple user accounts simultaneously,
  • Allows users flexibility in controlling the transfer process,
  • Features advanced filters for selective export, and much more!

Registering and using MultCloud is simple: 1st step involves creating an account; The 2nd step requires adding your existing cloud drives (like Google Drive) following simple prompts; And finally, just direct your desired transfers under the “Cloud Transfer” tab!

Remember! MultCloud ensures complete safety of your data during migration so think about having an offline backup google takeout with them too So give it a try next time when you encounter any issues with Google Takeout!

Consider this article as your go-to guide whenever you face problems related with “Google Takeout not working”. With defined solutions at hand and alternative options like MultCloud available via their product page , managing cloud-based data has never been so easy!.


This blog post sheds light on how common struggles with using Google services can be resolved effectively by recognizing inherent limitations leading to malfunctions (network errors; archive limits; limited retries; large data volumes; permission restrictions) and implementing strategic steps (file size compliance; re-login; consolidating files; auditing network). Additionally - as an alternative method - utilizing tools such as MultCloud offer another avenue for managing cloud-based transfers safely and easily across multiple user accounts simultaneously — offering advanced filter features among other advantages over traditional methods like use of Google take-out