05 May 2023

Safeguard Your Data- The Ultimate Guide to Google Drive & USB External Drives

Safeguard Your Data: A Comprehensive Guide to Using Google Drive and USB External Drive

Table of Contents


In today’s tech-savvy world, backing up and transferring data is no longer an option but a necessity. Whether your device crashes unexpectedly or you want to switch to a new one, having a backup can save you from losing your important documents, photos, and files. The good news is that you can easily back up and transfer your data using Google Drive or a USB External Drive. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you navigate through the process.

Using Google Drive for Backup

Google Drive is a versatile online storage platform that allows you to store, share, and synchronize files across devices. It provides 15 GB of free storage space where you can easily back up your data and access it from anywhere, anytime. To use Google Drive for backup, follow these steps:

  1. Download the Google Drive app on your device.
  2. Sign in with your Google account.
  3. Click on the ‘+’ button to upload files or folders.
  4. Select the data you want to back up.
  5. Wait for the upload to finish.

Transferring Files with Google Drive

To transfer files using Google Drive, share the files with the email associated with the device you want to transfer them to. Open the shared files and download them to your new device. It’s that simple!

Backing Up Data with a USB External Drive

On the other hand, a USB external drive is a physical device that offers offline storage. It’s ideal for large data volumes and when you prefer not to use cloud-based solutions. Here’s how you can back up data using a USB external drive:

  1. Connect the external drive to your device.
  2. Open ‘My Computer’ on Windows or ‘Finder’ on Mac.
  3. Locate the data you want to back up.
  4. Drag and drop the files into the external drive folder.
  5. Wait for the data transfer to complete.

Transferring Data with a USB External Drive

Transferring data using a USB external drive is straightforward too. Connect the drive to your new device, locate the files in the drive folder, and copy them to your new device.


While both methods have their pros and cons, they provide reliable ways to safeguard your data. Google Drive offers easy accessibility and sharing but requires a stable internet connection. A USB External Drive, in contrast, offers large storage capacity and doesn’t require internet access but is susceptible to physical damage.

In conclusion, always ensure that you have a backup of your important files stored either in Google Drive or an external drive. This will not only keep your data safe but also make it easier for you when you need to transfer data between devices. So go ahead and take this step towards securing your digital life today.