11 May 2023

Ultimate Guide- Backup Google Drive with Google Takeout

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Understanding Your Options: Backing Up Google Drive

In the modern digital age, Google Drive has become an essential tool for many of us. This cloud-based storage service allows us to conveniently organize and save our files, contacts, and calendar events in one place. However, the thought of accidentally deleting something or having our Google Drive compromised by hackers can be a nightmare. That’s why it’s crucial to know how to create a backup of your Google Drive.

1. Backup to an External Hard Drive

One straightforward and popular method is to create a backup on an external storage device like a hard drive or USB stick. To do this, sign in to your Google account, navigate to your Google Drive, manually select the documents or files you want to save, and download them. Transfer these downloaded files to your external hard drive or USB stick for safekeeping.

2. Utilizing Google Drive for Desktop

Google Drive for Desktop combines sync clients Backup and Sync and Drive File Stream into one application that works for both Windows and Mac. This allows automatic background synchronization of your files with the cloud, ensuring they are always up-to-date across all devices. To use this method, download and install Drive for Desktop on your computer. Then, select local files you want to upload from your computer to the cloud or download files from the cloud to your local storage. Any changes made will reflect in both places.

3. Using Google Takeout

Google Takeout is a service that allows you to export your data as archive files. It’s a convenient way to back up not just documents, images, and videos but also bookmarks, emails, and other saved data from various Google services. To utilize this method, sign into your Google account and go to the “Download Data” page. All your saved Google data will be preselected. You can choose whether to export everything at once or select specific files to back up. Google can send file archives once or every two months for a year.

4. Automated Backup Tools for Enterprises

For businesses with complex data structures and larger volumes of data, automated backup tools can be a lifesaver. These tools provide centralized interfaces for managing data landscapes and allow for automatic backups according to set schedules. Examples of paid backup tools include Veeam’s “Availability Suite,” Commvault’s “Complete Backup & Recovery,” and Dell’s “Data Protection Suite.” Free solutions like Paragon Backup & Recovery Community Edition or Veeam Agent for Windows may be more suitable for smaller businesses or personal use.


Remember, it’s not advisable to store all your data exclusively in Google Drive due to potential risks like hacking or accidental deletion. Instead, save multiple copies of your data in different locations, including other cloud services like Dropbox or OneDrive, as well as physical devices like external hard drives or USB sticks.

As a rule of thumb, follow the 3-2-1 backup strategy: three copies of your data stored on two different types of media, with one copy stored off-site (in the cloud). This strategy ensures that even in the event of a data loss incident, you’ll still have access to your precious files and documents.

In conclusion, while Google Drive is a convenient and user-friendly tool for storing and organizing digital content, its security should not be taken for granted. Regular backups can help ensure that even if something goes wrong with your main storage place, your data will remain safe.