24 July 2023

Ultimate Guide to Google Takeout Backup- Schedule and Perform Offsite Google Takeout Backup

Leveraging Google Takeout for Exporting Google Photos - An Essential Guide

For avid users of Google Photos, it is no secret how quickly photos can accumulate. If you’ve ever contemplated transitioning to a different service like Apple’s iCloud or wanting to backup google photos offline, it’s crucial to understand how to safely export your Google Photos without any loss. This article offers a comprehensive guide on how to utilize Google Takeout, a service by Google designed specifically for this purpose.

Google Takeout Explained

Primarily, it’s important to note that most data in your Google Account, including Gmail, Drive, Calendar, and not forgetting Photos, is stored in the cloud. Given the remote server locations for this data storage, it’s impossible to simply drag and drop photos for exportation if you want to backup google photos to hard drive. This is where Google Takeout comes into play.

Google Takeout serves as a central hub for exporting and retrieving all data backed up into your Google Account. From Google Assistant Notes and Lists to Stadia game activity - everything can be accessed via Takeout. You merely need to choose the data you wish to export and initiate the process—though do bear in mind that collecting all relevant data may take some time.

Exporting Using Google Takeout

When you decide to export your photos using Google Takeout or when you want to backup google photos in general, you have several options available depending on what suits your needs best. Here’s how:

  1. Firstly navigate on a PC/Mac browser to takeout.google.com ensuring that you’re logged into the relevant account.
  2. At the top of product list deselect all.
  3. Scroll down until you find ‘Google Photos’ then select its corresponding checkbox.
  4. Click ‘All photo albums included’ if you wish to select specific albums only – otherwise leave it as default (all albums selected).
  5. Following these steps scroll down again and click ‘Next step’.
  6. Here choose when and how often you want an export plus file type (.zip or .tgz) and size before splitting them into multiple files if necessary.
  7. Finish by clicking ‘Create an export’.

Once initiated based on your preferences selection, expect an email notifying you when your exportation is ready; duration depends on amount of data involved.

Where Can I Import My Photos?

The beauty of using google take out lies in its versatility; none of its exported data is proprietary meaning images saved as .webps,.jsons or .mp3 files are compatible with various other services.

Importing To iCloud Or Amazon Photos

If planning on transitioning over from google photos here’s how:

For PC Users:

  1. Download & set up iCloud Windows app.
  2. Open iCloud Windows app
  3. Select ‘Photos’ checkbox then check ‘iCloud photos’ in window that pops up followed by applying changes. 4 Use Windows Explorer & locate iCloud Photo drive & drag unzipped exported folders from google take out here .

For Mac users:

1 Open ‘Photos’ app on Mac 2 Under settings ensure ‘iCloud’ box has been checked. 3 Lastly drag unzipped exported folders from google take out onto this window.

After performing these steps photos should start appearing after few minutes- though complete upload time depends upon total import volume.

Importing To Amazon Photos

On pc where exports were downloaded visit amazon.com/photos/welcome making sure logged in Locate unzipped folder(s) from google take out & drag them straight onto browser page

Once fully uploaded can freely view them anywhere with Amazon Photos access .

In Conclusion

Moving large quantities of photo data between platforms could seem daunting but with tools like google take out simplifies this process greatly providing easy transfer over cloud platforms such as iCloud or Amazon Photos-. Remember also consider doing regular manual back-ups protect against unforeseen circumstances Keep safe happy transferring!.